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Each line will contain one data object (e.g. one point).
The data parameters for the object are separated by commas and are in the format:
    (e.g. X=123.456)
A line ending with a & means that it is continued onto the next line.
Text values are enclosed using double quotation marks.
Data parameters are separted by a comma and can appear in ANY order.


A text item is displayed in the job at the specified co-ordinates and scale.
A text string can be of any length and can contain embedded characters.

X=339.939400,Y=398.008280,Text="TEST TEXT",Angle=74.250000,Size=5.00,Colour="LTGREEN"
X=335.845000,Y=499.662000,Text="SURVEYOR DRIVE",Angle=32.016667,Colour="LTGREEN"

This defines a point number to give the co-ordinates where the text will start. The string position can be dfeined by a point number or by sepcifying X,Y values.

This contains the Easting value or X co-ordinate in metres of the starting point of the text. Values are usually stored in the .acs file to six decimal places.

This contains the Northing value or Y co-ordinate in metres of the starting point of the text. Values are usually stored in the .acs file to six decimal places.

This contains the Height value or Z co-ordinate in metres of the text. Values are usually stored in the .acs file to six decimal places.

This is the actual text string to be displayed.
It can include multiple lines of text.
This can contain embedded characters.
A new line is encodes as '\\r\\n' like this.

Name="601045",SurveyDate="1979-04-26",Units=M,Descr="Test description\\r\\nSecond Line\\r\\nThird Line"

The text angle in decimal degrees. Note that this can be altered by a viewport rotation angle.

The name of the Windows font to be used when displaying the text.

The colour to be used for the text. This must be one of the standard Colours. Note: If no colour value is specified, the default layer colour will be used.
See Colours for format information.

The size of the text in mm to be displayed when plotted at the Job Plot Scale (see Job Properties).

The layer name on which the text resides. This layer name must appear in the list of Layers in the {LAYERS] section.
See Layers data format for more information.

This is a Y/N indicator to display the text in a Bold font.

This is a Y/N indicator to display the text in an Italic font.

This is a Y/N indicator to display the text underlined.

This is a Y/N indicator to draw a circle around the text. This is normally used when drawing short line table reference numbers.

This is a Y/N indicator to right justify the text to the starting co-ordinates.

This is a Y/N indicator to centre justify the text at the starting co-ordinates.

This is a number 0-5 which is used internally to indicate the date content of the text:
1=Lot Number, 2=Area text, 3=Contour, 4=Bearing text, 5=Distance Text

This is an entity number associated with this text items. e.g. If the text items is a lot number, it will be associated with the Lot.